Cannabis Committee Month!


Cannabis Committee

Cannabis Committee

May 2022

By Darell Bester, Chairman


This year seems to be passing us by at an accelerated rate and the cannabis industry is leading the charge. Every day in the news you see something new developing in the space and with one thing remaining the same. Blacks are still being left out of the mix without any true resolution in sight.

In an article posted in Fortune, it was noted that blacks account for only 2% of the nation’s marijuana business. 2%! The article also stated that no matter what stage in the process, funding or obtaining licenses, black entrepreneurs have an extremely difficult time trying to advance their dreams of owning and operating a cannabis business.

So what happened to those who received a craft grow license to operate in Illinois? Half of the 118 licenses for small craft growers (non-white -9% blacks) will unfortunately never see the light of day and at some point will be forced to sell out. This is not what the people expected when they went through this disastrous process of becoming part of the cannabis industry.

There are a lot of moving parts in the government as far as the federal and state laws are being discussed. We have to stay connected and get involved in the process if we expect to ever get our fair share of the market and not become just the fog on the windows. There are way too many separate factions claiming to fight for us all, but at some point, we need to become one voice in order to cause a significant change in the same old narrative.

We are facing some of the most challenging times in our history. With the upcoming primary election around the corner, we have to unchain our voting power while we still have it and be diligent about getting the right people in office. The tools that help us to fight for the few liberties we have need to be exercised to its fullest capacity. If we don’t unite for our right to change the financial landscape of our families right now, we will forever be the bottom feeders for the rest of our existence.

May is our cannabis month for the Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce and we are motivated to help reach those who feel that things will never change in this space. During this month, we will educate, inform and offer solid advice for you to navigate through this cannabis red tape that we have been bound with. We will have a cannabis symposium on May 29th at the Beverly Hills Art Gallery located at 2133 s 95th street Chicago Il. in the Beverly community. Tickets will be available on Eventbrite soon. Also, a new podcast show called “The Blunt Brothers Cannabis Chronicles” will make its’ debut this month as well.

Stay connected for more details. As always inhale the message and exhale the action. Peace.

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